National Society of Black Physicists 2021 Conference


Past Event

National Society of Black Physicists 2021 Conference

November 4, 2021 - November 7, 2021
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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The NSBP conference is the largest academic meeting of minority physicists in the United States. The goal of the conference is to provide mentorship opportunities, increase participant access to recruiters, offer networking opportunities and inform the broader physics community on best practices that will be gleaned during and after the meeting. The Conference allows students to have close interactions with professional physicists and gain exposure to high-quality scientific researchers and presentations. In addition to being a meeting that promotes the persistence of underrepresented physics students in the academic workforce pipeline, the conference hosts many high-level research talks, provides opportunities for peer-to-peer interactions and allows students the opportunity for exposure to the scientific community.

More info and registration here.